General Questions

What is Gleef?

Gleef is a Chrome extension designed for A/B testing website wording, helping to improve user engagement and conversion rates. It focuses exclusively on testing text elements such as headlines, CTAs, and descriptions.

What can I experiment with using Gleef?

You can run A/B tests on any text element on your website, including:

  • Headlines
  • Call-to-action buttons
  • Product descriptions

However, text within images or videos cannot be tested. Ensure that your text elements are implemented using standard web development practices.

How does Gleef work?

Gleef allows you to create, manage, and analyze A/B tests without developer involvement. By using a JavaScript overlay, the tool dynamically adjusts the text on your website, making it easy to test different variations.

Who can use Gleef?

Gleef is ideal for:

  • Marketers
  • Product managers
  • Developers
  • Website optimization teams

Anyone looking to improve website engagement and conversion through wording changes can benefit from Gleef.

Installation and Setup

How do I install the Gleef Chrome extension?

To install the Gleef Chrome extension:

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store.
  2. Search for Gleef and click Add to Chrome.
  3. Once installed, launch the extension from the browser toolbar.

Are there specific requirements for installing Gleef?

Yes, to install and use Gleef, you need:

  1. Google Chrome: The latest version of Chrome is required.
  2. Website Access: You need the ability to add custom JavaScript to your website’s code to run live experiments.

How do I create a Gleef account?

You can create a demo account directly from the Chrome extension. The demo account allows you to save experiments as drafts. For a full-featured account, contact us to upgrade.

How do I add the Gleef JavaScript snippet to my website?

After signing up, you’ll be provided with a JavaScript snippet. Add this snippet to the <head> section of your website to enable event tracking and A/B testing.

Ensure the JavaScript tag is present on all pages where you want to run experiments.

Running Experiments

Why can’t I remove the baseline text from variations?

The baseline text is your control and serves as the benchmark for comparison with other variations. Removing it would prevent accurate performance measurement.

How do I avoid flickering when running experiments?

Flickering occurs when the original content briefly appears before the variation is loaded. To prevent this:

  • Ensure the Gleef JavaScript snippet is placed in the <head> section of your website.
  • Load the script asynchronously and use a pre-loader to hide the page until the variation is ready.

Running multiple experiments on the same page

Gleef allows multiple experiments to run simultaneously on different pages without any interference. However, running multiple experiments on the same page may extend the time required to reach statistical significance. Visitors will be randomly assigned to a single experiment to avoid bias.

How long should I run my experiments?

Experiments should run long enough to gather sufficient data to reach statistical significance. As a general rule, aim for at least two weeks of continuous testing, especially if your page traffic is moderate.

Troubleshooting and Support

Does the Gleef extension always work?

The extension will work as long as the correct JavaScript snippet is installed on your website. This enables real-time A/B tests without issues.

What happens if Gleef is down?

In rare cases where Gleef is down, your website will continue to function normally, but your experiments will not run, and visitors will see the baseline content. You won’t be able to access the Gleef dashboard until services are restored. Visitors and experiment statistics will not be collected during this time.

How do I invite team members to join Gleef?

Currently, only one user per domain is allowed. You can share your account credentials with colleagues if necessary. We are working on a feature to enable multiple users for a single domain.

Best Practices

How do I avoid interference when running multiple experiments?

To avoid interference when running multiple tests on the same page:

  • Run one experiment at a time to ensure quicker statistical significance.
  • Random assignment: If running multiple tests on the same page is necessary, Gleef randomly assigns each visitor to only one active experiment.

Why should I prioritize testing high-impact elements?

Focus on testing text elements with the highest potential to improve user behavior, such as:

  • Headlines: Drive more attention and clicks.
  • CTAs: Boost conversion rates.
  • Product descriptions: Enhance product understanding and encourage action.

Small changes to these elements can produce significant improvements in overall performance.

What should I do if my test reaches significance early?

If your test reaches statistical significance before the scheduled end date, continue running the experiment for a few more days to verify the results and account for fluctuations in user behavior.

Pricing and Plans

How do I know which plan my company is on?

We currently offer a single unlimited plan designed for early adopters. This plan allows full access to all Gleef features with no restrictions on the number of experiments or users.

Can I get a free trial?

Yes, we offer an unlimited demo mode that allows you to experiment without using our JavaScript snippet. Follow these steps to start:


Download our extension

Download our Chrome extension from the Chrome store.



Signup using your email or Google account.


Validate your account

Validate your account and register your domain name.

No need to integrate the JavaScript snippet to use demo mode!

For any additional questions or support, feel free to contact us.

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