Generating localization keys is a breeze with Gleef. Here is how it works:


Open Gleef's Figma Plugin

Open the Gleef plugin in Figma. You can find it in the Plugins menu.


Select the Frame you want to generate keys for

Select the frame you want to generate keys for.

It is highly recommended to select a frame containing your whole screen to maximize the context, enabling efficient key generation.

If you select a frame containing only a part of the screen, Gleef will generate keys for that part only. This can lead to missing keys or keys that are not relevant to the whole screen.

If you select a frame containing multiple screens, Gleef will generate keys for all of them. This can lead to duplicate keys or keys that are not relevant to the whole screen.

Here is an example at what should be selected: Checkout_AddAddress frame

Check out our documentation to understand how does frame selection and generation works.


Manage keys

Once keys are generated, you can manage them in the Gleef plugin. You can edit and ignore keys as well as display them dynamically in your Figma, and export them.

Check it out here.